Is all about them...and give them a better life...
over 25 years of rescue, and counting...
help us keep saving lives...
Is an honor to save a sato....
we provide the love....
Saving lives one sato at a time....
Over 25 years saving lives...

Day by day, Gloria and the volunteers of Save A Sato, has been working non stop in the completion of the new shelter for the satos! many streams of income has been created to give shape to this project! as a non profit organization, monetary help is critical and the only way to raise money is by donations and items made by our volunteers that are sold locally and sometimes on the net, with the pure purpose to keep buying materials to add to the shelter in order to work the best we can in the care of our beloved satos!

Frank Polanco, a close volunteer of the shelter, created a fundraiser specially for this project, that has been collecting some funds every couple of months to Save a Sato's Paypal account!

You can see and donate to the fundraiser by visiting: "Danos un techito"

In Frank's latest update to the page he wrote: "We take this time to THANK everyone that in one way or another have supported our efforts to make Gloria’s dream a step closer to become a reality. The work has been non stop and the bumps along the way have made it even more challenging. There has been times where we found ourselves on an uphill battle. But with a positive approach and determination we are staring to see the light at the end of the tunnel and are very hopeful to see Gloria’s dream come to fruition.



He also added some picture of volunteers working in the completion of the shelter! Go ahead and visit the Fundraisers page! Don't miss them!  And last on Save a Sato's Facebook page made an important request, to anyone who is willing to help the shelter with some important items that the shelter needs right now like Solar Lamps! you can visit the shelter's Amazon wish list and buy them for the satos right now! We will be forever grateful!