Saving lives one sato at a time....
help us keep saving lives...
we provide the love....
over 25 years of rescue, and counting...
Over 25 years saving lives...
Is an honor to save a sato....
Is all about them...and give them a better life...

Welcome to the Save A Sato Webpage! Home of the satos of Puerto Rico!

Save A Sato is a non-profit organization dedicated to easing the suffering of Puerto Rico's homeless and abused animals. "Sato" is slang for street dog. We rescue Satos from the streets and beaches, give them medical care, food and shelter, and plenty of love. When they are healthy, we send them to one of our partner shelters for adoption into loving homes.


video by Adrian Schwarz " A day at Save A Sato"



don't forget to keep helping our satos with your donations! Its the only way we can keep rescuing and rehabilitating the homeless dogs and cats of Puerto Rico. Visit to keep updated about everything we do every day.

If you wish to help us by Paypal, just click the image and donate. A 100% of your donations goes directly to help our dogs on the Shelter of Miracles in San Juan from Save A Sato and to our cats in Gatolandia also from Save A Sato. We are a humble organization without any help from the goverment, we keep going and working thanks to the help of volunteers and your donations!


Watching the webpage on your computer? Open your phone camera and point it to this image!

Want to donate with a check, o a gift card, or do you want to send us supplies for the satos or just write us and say hi (like the old days) Send us a letter to P.O Box 37694, San Juan PR 00937

**P.S> Gloria likes to receive updates of adopted satos and pictures!

video by Petco "Unsung Heroes"




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